Friday, November 20, 2015

Wrap Up

Hey guys back for my wrap up review. This takes a lot of trial and error. This means if you don t put structures in the right area you will die. Also another strategy don t waste materials because the trading ship won t always come when you need it. As you see here. I'm low on bio plastic meaning can t nothing. But to bio plastic you need a lab. But to lab it requires metal I m low on that to. I felt like crying after that because I have couples until trading ships but I nothing to trade with. Don t make foolish or you will be stuck for eternity. But all and all this game was better than I expected. The game has a difficult that won t make you break your. But it still contains a challenging aspect to it. The will teach you some things like what does take to keep you and others to stay alive, and the graphics as I said in my first impressions it's good for a computer. In conclusion after the game I see now that game deserves 22.00$ for it's worth. I rate this game 8.5\10 . So as usually dream out.

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