Monday, November 16, 2015

My First Impression Of Planet Base

My first impression of the well it looks good for what its trying to sell. The graphics are good a PC game in this day and age. First of the game is based on making a utopia for a group that landed on one of 3 planets. You get to choose what planet which you want to land but usually if you start you have to start on the easiest level.
As you can see here you have to build structures,they're two different structures you exterior and interior. You build things like oxygen domes,solar panels. windmills and etc.

 The game is price is perfect at price standing at 21.99$. There is a lot of tutorials if you get stuck playing this game. If you want on the go to there website here . I'm excited to play this game and there will be a review coming soon peeps so dream out.

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