Friday, September 25, 2015

                     Friday Post Week 2

 This week I had to do two assignments, planet collision and the first and last name assignment. The planet collision assignments is when you play this game and take screenshots for every level you beat. This game was so frustrating at one time I wanted to break my keyboard. Your'e asking yourselves how does this game play and what it looks like. Well you start off as a asteroid and absorb other asteroids and planets. Its play's like but when you're near a planet that's bigger than you  you will die almost 80% percent of the time. Here's the link to the game  if  you dare play it maybe you will feel my
pain.The other assignment that I completed this week was First And Last Name. In this assignment you had use the letters that you  made from Photoshop last week. Then you have to overlay the letters to a new background like a parking lot and earth. The steps are easy first place your background on Photoshop then place your letters on the background.Then merge they letters by crtl click on your layers. Then Highlight your letters and hide them. After that highlight your background then delete your background. Then crop the extra space off and you're done. This week was tough but I got through it and I hope next week will be easier dream out. 

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