Friday, September 18, 2015

    Friday Post Week 1

For the letters of my name assignment take pictures form google images and save the images to your desktop. Go on photo shop make a open a new file make it transparent. Then go to your files place the image on photo shop, and use the erase to make your letters. Every letter can't be the same font. If you need ideas go looks at different styles of fonts on google images. Oh and also have doing your assignment.

Photoshop was great, at first it was difficult but I learned how to use the tools that Photoshop provides. I used the erase tool and the crop tool.
CTRL+Z = Backwards

Using a blog is OK. But I wouldn't use a blog outside of school. In layout section I made an avatar and generated a message on a bus. On my HTML Section created Letters from My Name using Photoshop. All and all this year so far hasn't been too bad.

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